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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Art . . .

was clearly not a determining factor when selecting a college for our daughter. The tubes on wires over a parking lot - well, I know I could do that. In fact, I've had that very same composition while constructing pop-up tents for the kids when they were younger. This is the skeleton of a pop-up tent, only on a larger scale. And I am confident that somewhere in one of the keepsake Kindergarten boxes of art I could find where one of the kids drew a variation on the jagged teeth sculpture. As for the glob and rust panels - were those even on purpose? The circle, now I have to say I like the circle, and I suspect that the detail work on it was a challenge. But over all, the concept to each of these is so simplistic. If the people who designed them got paid a lot of money, then I know what I want to do in my next life. Seriously! {I recall that my daughter pointed out that the glob sculpture cost $$$$$$- cha-ching!}


  1. I like the circle one best, too. Loved your comments about the pieces of art! I definitely don't get it sometimes when it comes to what is supposed to be wonderful art! :)

  2. Awesome photos and I love how you arranged them into a collage (sp?) Very cool.
