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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

lucky ...

fellow mama-photogs will certainly relate this outing

 -- that trip where you have a location planned out, a willing subject, the "it" wardrobe lined up; and you get there only to find the location has been invaded by others, the willing subject is having 2nd thoughts, and in the process of testing a different location, key elements of the "it" wardrobe are left in the car. Yep, that's kinda how this all went down.

but considering I'm dealing with a teenage boy,
how lucky am I that he still agreed to a few pictures.


  1. You are so lucky to have a willing subject!! and a handsome subject too!

  2. He is adorable!!!! Those are great Nicki! I would have them on my walls enlarged:)I love the first one where the sidewalk goes way behind him leading your eye to look... Great Job!!!

  3. Lots of color in that first one! Glad he posed for you.

  4. what a great location for a photo shoot...and a mighty handsome young man you have for your model!!

  5. Oh, he has really got that whole "broody teen boy" thing going on! These turned out nicely--glad everything went well.

  6. You know us mom's....we have to go with the flow. Looks like you mastered that :)

  7. Good captures despite the drama of getting the arrangements. Next time I'll trade you, cuz my boy is younger, but sings the same songs!

  8. As you know....I don't have a willing teenager! So jealous you did (at least for the day). Great the HDR in the first one.

  9. I think they all turned out really well despite the changes in venue. He's a handsome young man. :)

  10. I think they turned out great in spite of the challenges you faced when you first got to the location! Handsome boy! I can't believe how grown-up he is!

  11. it's good to be flexible! glad he was willing!

  12. Love the graffiti wall. Ithey make for awesome backgrounds!
