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Friday, August 9, 2013

butterflies and mint (I think) ...

 Floral Love

Joining up with Mona with the last few photos of the butterflies hanging out in what I believe is mint.
Smells like mint, and the leaves look like mint ...
and if I recall correctly, that is what my mother-in-law told me it was when she gave me a small plant which has now spread to the point of taking over the border on the back side of the pool fence.
So we'll just pretend it is mint.

In any event, the butterflies are certainly loving it.


  1. Gorgeous. Don't know if it is mint or not.

  2. Not sure of the flower - but the butterfly is a type of Fritillary - maybe a Great spangled.
    Truly awesome shots!

  3. Stunning! The rich green bokeh makes the butterfly pop out!

  4. If it's spreading like that, it probably is mint. It can be really invasive. Nice clear shots of the buttterfly, Nicki. Those beautiful details in the wings really pop.

  5. If it looks like mint, and smells like mint and SPREADS like mint, you can be sure it is mint. :-) Lovely photos.

    I just learned this week that if you cut the mint plants back severely before it blooms - it won't spread like that, and it seems to have worked in the flower bed of the friend that told me that. But then you wouldn't have the butterflies.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. We have been overrun with mint in the past (the previous owners of our house must have planted it)so I pull a lot of it...the butterflies still enjoy it here too. I love that last shot with the perfectly spiraled tongue. PS You don't have to mow green roof...the plants are low growing sedum varieties! Whew!
    PSS The above comment by Roger was me too. I am helping our pastor who is in Turkey with his blog...still signed in as him. Oh, technology!


  9. Well, you KNOW I LOVE this...if it's not a Monarch, i'm pretty much butterfly clueless...but these are beautiful none the less.

  10. nicki, your "captured in nature" images are AMAZING!!! the light in the first one is mesmerizing. this is quite an unusual butterfly.

    my pictures were taken in a butterfly house, that's almost like cheating!!

  11. Fabulous shots! It's a great plant if the butterflies like it.

  12. That does look like mint... beautifully shot butterflies!

  13. Love this one, Nicki! Wow! Great shot!

  14. Lovely butterfly, I don't think I've seen one with those markings around here.
    I'm thinking mint too but there are a number of different varieties of mint with slightly different scents and flavours and flowers, most of them share that invasive nature though.

  15. Butterflies and wild mint!!! Whatta lucky lady you are! Gorgeous captures. How did you get it in focus?! Marvelous. What kind of lens did you choose with these?
    Thank you so much for sharing :)

    1. Thanks Mona - I'm going to guess that it was my 70-300. The lens is in desperate need for the repair shop (auto focus motor skipping) - but it is a lens I often use when trying for nature shots.

  16. What a gorgeous butterfly, so good shot.
