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Saturday, May 2, 2015

time will tell ...

Like millions of others, the moment I watched the Apple promotion for the proposed iWatch, I knew I wanted one.  Admittedly, my husband is the true Apple pundit in our house, but I am not one to shy away from new technology.  After months of anticipation and a rather early wake-up call to place the order, I received my watch.

Was it worth the wait?  Yes.
Was it worth the 3 am wake-up to place the order?  Yes.
Is it everything they said it would be?  So far, yes.

I selected the 38 mm stainless steel version and opted for the sports band to start off. Straight out of the box I was impressed with the quality. The watch itself is formidable, but not so heavy it feels like you strapped your smartphone to your wrist.  The band is not the cheap plastic you'll find in promo bands (think: Livestrong), but instead a solid and sleek plastic.  It is attractive, but I am looking towards getting the metal band down the road for a dresser look.

There is a learning curve in using the components of the watch, but not enough to frustrate you to put it back in the box and return to your analog watch. I am reminded that there was a learning curve with the first generation iPhone, one that broke us in and made very upgrade since much more palatable. One of the big selling points to me was the Health programs on the watch.  The ability to chart activity, monitor diet and exercise and after four tracker replacements on my Fitbit, I was in the market for something more reliable.  
Don't get me wrong - I love my Fitbit and it pains me to see it sitting in the charger waiting to be transferred over to Allyson on her return home - but it was becoming fickle with accuracy and a little too temperamental with holding a charge.
But the watch goes even further by reminding me to get up and move each hour.  Nothing obnoxious, just a gentle nudge to stand for at least a minute each hour.  Going to the gym, I found it more user-friendly to enter my activities, and it syncs up to my diet monitoring program, MyFitnessPal equal to the Fitbit.
What's more, it lets me know when I have a text or e-mail promptly, but again, not such that everyone within a country mile knows it as well.  It is easy to respond with a preset response or dictate a response and send as a text.  I was even able to take a quick call from my daughter on my watch while working in the copy room away from my phone.  She heard a slight echo of her own voice, but on my end it was very clear.
Very Dick Tracy.
There is so, so much more this watch can do and I am excited to use it to its fullest potential.
I love my iPhone 6+, and the watch is a beautiful accessory and complement to it.


  1. I've been wondering how people are liking their Apple watches. I'm a Mac and iPhone gal but am not really interested in the watch (yet).

  2. Sounds cool - if I wore a watch I think I'd be pining for one!

  3. What a great review, I too have been wondering what peeps think of this new gadget. I am still using the iPhone 4, no judgements, please!! I don't know what it is about technology......but I sorta' feel like my brain might be at maximum capacity for technology!! It does sound pretty cool though, and it's wonderful to know that it's living up to all the hype!!

  4. Ooooh the exercise possibilities are intriguing!

  5. Sounds like it has a lot of the features that my Garmin has, except for taking phone calls and being able to respond to texts.

    1. Sarah - it does have many similarities to the Garmin - I suspect there are many more apps geared for the watch that simply do not apply to me because while I work out at the gym and walk - I don't run and there are several apps directed specifically towards runners.

  6. Wow, Nicki! I had heard about the new iWatch, but had purposely dismissed it as yet another gadget for Apple-obsessed consumers. Don't get me wrong, I have an iPod, two actually, a little one and a big one, and an iPad, all several generations old, but still working perfectly for my needs; but when the first references to the iWatch came to me from my son's 20-something friend, I completely ignored it, thinking that these young'uns spend their hard-earned money frivolously, and this is nothing more than a status symbol. Now you, whom I respect for your serious technological chops, come along and tell me that you've bought one! That means that sooner or later I'll also have to get on the bandwagon. I'm usually late to the technology party, but I get there eventually. So now you'll appreciate this story: For years I've been getting hints from my company leadership that I should get a company cell phone, and I have been dodging the issue because I didn't want to be available 24/7. Well, I just got a promotion and my boss just went ahead and ordered me an iPhone. I have my own personal cell, a Samsung Galaxy III (see what I mean? I think the latest Galaxy is #6!). I was given a company iPad several years ago that is still in the box, and I was just told to turn it in because they were going to upgrade me to an iPad Air 2! I also have a laptop for work, and a desktop at home. I am so plugged in right now my head is spinning! I think it's karma that I have to deal with all this technology, when I don't particularly get into it! Listen to me whine! This is definitely a first world problem!

  7. Wow, Nicki! I had heard about the new iWatch, but had purposely dismissed it as yet another gadget for Apple-obsessed consumers. Don't get me wrong, I have an iPod, two actually, a little one and a big one, and an iPad, all several generations old, but still working perfectly for my needs; but when the first references to the iWatch came to me from my son's 20-something friend, I completely ignored it, thinking that these young'uns spend their hard-earned money frivolously, and this is nothing more than a status symbol. Now you, whom I respect for your serious technological chops, come along and tell me that you've bought one! That means that sooner or later I'll also have to get on the bandwagon. I'm usually late to the technology party, but I get there eventually. So now you'll appreciate this story: For years I've been getting hints from my company leadership that I should get a company cell phone, and I have been dodging the issue because I didn't want to be available 24/7. Well, I just got a promotion and my boss just went ahead and ordered me an iPhone. I have my own personal cell, a Samsung Galaxy III (see what I mean? I think the latest Galaxy is #6!). I was given a company iPad several years ago that is still in the box, and I was just told to turn it in because they were going to upgrade me to an iPad Air 2! I also have a laptop for work, and a desktop at home. I am so plugged in right now my head is spinning! I think it's karma that I have to deal with all this technology, when I don't particularly get into it! Listen to me whine! This is definitely a first world problem!

    1. I would probably still be using the first generation iPod and iPhone and whatever desktop computer still functioned - but for my husband who is a techie. I have to say that using the technology on my iPhone along with my Fitbit made a huge difference in my weight loss progress and efforts to become more healthy overall. Figuring out Twitter and Instagram has filled some of the void of hauling kids to and from activities. And with the kids getting further and further from home, as well as a sister on the other side of the States, staying current with the whats and hows of technology has made my life easier. No offense taken with your perspective - puts me to mind of my mom. She adamantly refused to sway to any suggestion of incorporating a computer into the family business until she watched Allyson for us when Allyson was 15 months old. Allyson showed her how to turn on the computer, insert her Mickey game, and play. Upon returning home Mom immediately ordered a computer and never looked back. {shall I send Allyson out? wink.wink! and big smile}

  8. You are the only person I know (well, even virtually) that has decided to purchase an iWatch. It's not for me, because I don't work well with any kind of watch and really don't like things around my wrists, but it seems like an interesting device. I'll be interested in hearing how you like it over time. I am not sure I could live without my iPod at this point so I'm not entirely tech-phobic. And so much of the new technology enhances our lives.

  9. Ooo, drooling..... It is so beautiful. I've wanted one ever since it was first announced. Just not sure if I "need" it (well, I probably don't "need" my iPhone6, either, LOL!). I have a Garmin for when I go running, but find the Garmin software seriously lacking. Looking forward to your continued perspective on the lovely "wrist candy".
