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Saturday, June 6, 2015

take me out to the ball game ...

take me out to the park

Personally I am not a big fan of baseball.
Sacrilege, I know.
I do however enjoy watching the kids just learning the game;
passion and enthusiasm balancing any lack of skill.


  1. Watching kids play is pretty darn adorable!

  2. Love that shot. Ahh memories of my son when he was just beginning his baseball years,

  3. Terrific shot! I am passionate about baseball. Grew up with it and with parents who were enthusiastic about it. The Red Sox won today... all's right with the world.

  4. That's a great image!! I love baseball in summer, with a hot dog and a sweet tea!!

  5. Oh I totally miss baseball now that my son is done with his playing days. Totally hoping there is a baseball playing grandson somewhere in my future!

  6. I don't get baseball... but then, we don't get baseball here where I live. :)
