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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

black.white.wednesday | making a statement ...

On the other side is the original flag that flew over Fort McHenry.
A flag large enough the British could see it from their war ships;
a flag large enough to make the statement of a nation;
a flag that would move Francis Scott Key to pen a poem that would become our nation's anthem.

If you ever get the chance to visit the National Museum of American History in Washington, DC - do so if for no other reason than to appreciate the sheer size of this flag hand-made by Mary Young Pickersgill 
(and a few members of her family and house staff).


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My Memory Art


  1. Impressive! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. my first visit was planned the weekend of 9/11. Haven't been able to reschedule :O(

    1. You really need to - honestly, I lived in this area for several years and it never gets old and I always walk away having learned something.

  3. Very interesting, and thanks for the tip!

  4. Interesting facts; I had no idea it was so large..

  5. I love the sense of movement in the flag. It is almost like the wind is blowing through it!

  6. Beautiful windblown flag!
