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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

black.white.wednesday | as far as the eye can see ...

and in every direction 

I asked Allyson if it would be possible to get out and get some night shots while I was there.

Her response "oh yea" 
- and then some.


Linking up with

My Memory Art


  1. And then some is right!!! You nailed it!

  2. Wow, that's a lot of people lighting up the landscape!

  3. Nicki: I went back and looked at all your pictures of your trip so far! Oh, my! So, so fabulous! What a treat! There's no doubt that your unusual eye is going to color some of my pictures for our upcoming trip. You must be having a ball. I'm so glad you've had a chance to visit Allison in such an interesting setting. This last picture is fascinating. That's a lot of light! It's an interesting, jumbled cityscape. Great capture!
