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Sunday, January 28, 2018

new year resolutions ...

the line back to the gym at the first of the year. 

 Fingers crossed I will be joining that line at the end of the week. 
While I have missed my weekly routine I sure haven't missed the crazy new years crowd.


  1. They should be gone by now. My gym is almost back to normal already :)

  2. And I thought that was the line for coffee

  3. Too funny, but true. I have a friend that decided to get back in shape, joined a local gym, began on the treadmill until it went haywire and she did a face plant on the machine, injured her rotator cuff, and has a hematoma on her leg that the Dr. said would take a "long" time to heal. I kept telling her that exercising is a dangerous sport.

  4. It’s good to see that I’m not the only one that has fallen off the blogging wagon! But I do miss you! I hope your “free-range adults” are doing well! Hugs, M

  5. such a useful blog....
    thanks for shearing.....!
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