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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

long time no see | one word project ...

since joining the gym I've heard from areas of my body that I thought had moved over-seas.
listening to my iPod / iPhone while biking I got an IM from my 'back side' saying "what the .... ! " ,
and I'm pretty sure my thighs have taken a "contract" out on my life because it was all I could do to maneuver the stairs this morning.
ouch. ouch. ouch.
20 times.
3 reps.


  1. Nicki--I laughed when I saw this post. Not at you, but with you as I struggle to get up the stairs and my thighs scream revenge at me.

    By the way, I LOVE your blue jay shot a few days ago. We don't have them out here--they are only east of the Rockies, and I miss all that vibrant blue!

  2. Great post! Yes, I feel your pain! :)

  3. My treadmill has been collecting dust lately...your picture reminded me I need to go visit it more often (and probaly take Aleve with me too).

  4. What a great post and interpretation of time! I love the processing on the weights shot.

  5. You always make my day with your hilarious and witty writing style!! And, if I did decide to work out, I'd be echoing your words!!! LOL

  6. LOL, I loove this post! It's exactly how I felt when I did the "boot camp" a few months ago. Only I don't have such a way with words like you do. Love it!

  7. that is so funny! Good for you for doing the work! :)

  8. These made me smile, thanks for that!

  9. Oh I need to figure out some way to work out again. :-( I always find some reason to quit when pregnant. :-( Neat texture on the weights!

  10. Yep, I'm now an Aleve fan too! Very funny! thanks for visiting my blog. The smoke pictures were fun, and yes, photography is all about trying something new!
