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Friday, January 30, 2015

friday finds ...

It was love at first sight,
and at less than $5.00, 
proof in point that you can't put a price on love. 

My husband and I made a quick run through the grocery story last Friday evening so I could collect some last minute ingredients to make sausage gravy and biscuits for Allyson before she returned to school
(not a regular entree on our health conscience diet menu these days).
Trying to get through the store quickly and avoid the insanity that comes with the prediction of the first snow of winter, I nearly missed these jewels.  But a lid with that vents for microwaving.
Oh yea, you have my attention now.
In fairness, my husband might have pointed out the coffee mugs first,
but ultimately it was the bowl that came home.
Now I only need to devise a reasonable excuse as to why we need one more mug to add to our collection. 

The yogurt covered cranberries were scored on a return trip to the store
sans husband
- which is always more dangerous
and always more expensive expedition.


"You can't put a price tag on love.  But if you could, I'd wait for it to go on sale."
~ Jarod Kintz ~


 Linking up with Kim Klassen

Kim Klassen dot com


  1. Ooooh, I love those! Great find, indeed.

  2. Oo yummy! I miss yogurt covered raisins since my dairy allergy came back )-:

  3. Lovely find, for sure, Nicki. I'm a bargain shopper, but not compared to my daughter #2, who just scored a perfect square wool rug originally priced at $200 for $10 at a thrift shop.

    1. The very reason I don't visit thrift shops (though I want to go to a local one badly) - I have far too much "stuff" in my house as it is and I could not walk away from a $10 wool rug. (even though I have several rolled in storage waiting for that day my kids fly the coop - liget).

  4. ha! my trips are always more expensive if kids are involved!

  5. I love your bowl. As for the mug ... just follow my rule: a gal can never have too many mugs.

  6. Such a pretty bowl you've found !
    And those cranberries look so delicious :-)
    Have a nice weekend,

  7. Those yougurt cranberries make my mouth water - and the is really a find - congratulations!
    Happy weekend to you, Nicki :)

  8. Those yougurt cranberries make my mouth water - and the is really a find - congratulations!
    Happy weekend to you, Nicki :)

  9. Who says anybody has too many mugs, just ask the one who has totally run out of cupboard space but continues to buy when I spot one that becomes "love at first sight"...!!! Nice score at the grocery store.

  10. Is that ceramic? It's such a lovely, soft color. My husband has been coming to the grocery store recently to "help" me...

    1. Barb - they are ceramic and the plastic lid isn't a cheap one, but substance with a hinged center vent for microwaving. Kroger's / or Ralph's in some regions.

  11. At the grocery store? At that price? Wow! Love love love the color and the details on it! The color of the covered raisins compliments it well. Great find!

  12. Yogurt covered cranberries sound delicious.
