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Monday, March 2, 2015

Good.Random.Fun | escape route ...

I tip my hat to those living in the Boston area
- we've had 2 weeks of 
snow, snow, snow, 
and cold, cold, cold 
and I am so over it. 
I'm outta here!

the GOOD ...

"Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning." 

 the RANDOM ...

you like to think that you're immune to the stuff ...
it's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough
You know you're gonna have to face it,
you're addicted to love diet coke"

{my husband - not me.  I am 14 months diet coke free.}

the FUN ...

"You are traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
A journey into a wondrous land of imagination.
Next stop, the Twilight Zone!"

  curse my motion sickness
I will never get to travel through another dimension
or Hollywood Tower
or Rockin' Roller Coaster
or ... 


 [click below to check-out other going on over at Random-osity] 



  1. It is to be away from the real world for a short while.

  2. Have a great time!
    We got about 3 more inches. I want to break the record and then it can stop!

  3. My family all went into the Tower of Terror, but not me. I couldn't take it. My hubby is also a diet coke drinker, but I'm sticking with my morning coffee.

  4. ENJOY!!! My daughter and son in law get back today....she's sent some pics of the grounds getting ready for the flower/garden show (week?!) Looks great! Enjoy every warm, magical minute!!

  5. looks like a fun break from the snow. I've only had 4 diet cokes so far this year...and none for 30 days.

    1. Once you get past a couple of months, just 'taste' one - you will lose your cravings because suddenly your tastebuds will acknowledge the chemicals and man - UCH! Hang in there. Initially I would look at people and remark that anyone who says they don't miss Diet Coke is lying --- now, I have no urge for them at all. No lie! :)

  6. I don´t like roller coasters but Tower of Terror is sooo much fun!!n Give it a try next time!

  7. Disney would be a great idea right now. We usually go every other Feb, but not this year! I'll live through your images. Not ever getting back on the Tower of Terror, though. LOL. Congrats on your 14 months Diet Coke Free! That's a feat!

  8. Glad you are having fun. Spring is coming and we are all going to be kicking up our heels....

  9. Awesome.. Have a blast..

