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Monday, April 13, 2015

Good.Random.Fun | warm weekend ...

the GOOD ...

not a tulip or daffodil to be found in the neighborhood 
- but the ferns are taking shape. 

 the RANDOM ...

in this picture, if you look closely, is one chubby big boned bumblebee.
When I noticed him buzzing outside the back door a couple of things occurred to me:
little early in the season to be [this] bulked up, and
I have no clue how folks get amazing close-ups of bees in flight.

 the FUN ...

dandelions - they're all fun and games until they've taken over the yard. 


 [click below to check-out other going on over at Random-osity] 



  1. There is still beauty in the weed...from afar. ;)

  2. That fern is awesome. I am so ready for new growth!

  3. We don't have too much trouble with dandelions, but we have a huge battle going on with the mint that is cropping up all over the edges of the yard. Pulls up easily, but comes back!

  4. Oh, we had warmth here too. REAL warmth!! Love your fern shot!!

  5. Hey, that's not a bad bee shot - they are hard to get focused from far away. Make a salad and throw the dandelions in it, one way to get rid of them, lol!

  6. Great capture of the bee!

    I always love how the ferns curl... so pretty. :)

  7. I never would have guessed it was a dandelion - yes, they are quite pretty until there are too many of them.... Glad you got a nice, warm weekend to enjoy!

  8. All stunning views, but the bee in motion is my favorite!

  9. I agree with you! I tried capturing our bumblebees, but they flit to and fro so quickly! I guess they have lots of spring work to do. I think you did a pretty good in flight capture.

  10. I like dandelions, I can't wait to see them.

  11. Glorious springtime!
    Hope you'll come share at this week's Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) here:
