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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

black.white.wednesday | splitting hairs ...

I am in communications with a group that will come out and help collect the cats and kittens and have them spayed/neutered and released - possibly adopted. Problem is
that unless there is "something unique" or "catchy" about the cat,
they risk being taken to the pound and put down because there is a limit on how many cats the hospital will spay/neuter.  
I am guessing the cut off is under 10 and we are closer to 20.

 "will any let you touch them?" - No. 
 Oh how I wish they would - my life would be infinitely easier/harder if they would.
Easier to care for them and prospectively get them adopted.
Harder to let go, especially if to the tombs.

"are any unique?" - Define "unique". 
Every kitten, like every child, is unique and beautiful and adorable.

Don't get me wrong, I am so SO appreciative of any help I can get to put a stop for the kitty farm, 
I  just can't be the one that sends them off to be euthanized.

I am breaking the rules of black/white, 
just like I will probably have to break a few rules to salvage these cats. 


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My Memory Art


  1. Oh this is heartbreaking. How sad to be labeled and then cast aside. Perhaps you could help photograph them to 'advertise'?

  2. My heart goes out to you and the kitties ~ not easy ~ Such sweet photos!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  3. How heart breaking. I agree that each creature is amazing of its own right.

  4. precious. Sometimes I hate the things people do in this messed up world. These creatures deserve better.

  5. Wow! That last kitty is a beauty! Such interesting coloring. My sister lives in a sub-division in Miami, FL that is overrun with cats. Periodically, someone, I'm not sure who, whether it's the city or another organization, comes around, collects them, spades them, and brings them back, because they have no way to keep and support so many cats, which leaves the residents to deal with the litter problem. I don't know what the solution is to that problem. I just wish people were more responsible as pet owners and adopted existing animals looking for a home, instead of carelessly allowing them to breed and add to the overpopulation. So sad.

  6. I hope there is a happy ending for your feral kitties. This kitty has such distinctive markings. Good Luck!

  7. Ohh my what adorables. I hate it when people lose their cats or are irresponsible.

  8. oooooh niki, can i relate!!! first i must say that i am not a "cat" person but i am an animal lover, this tugs at my heart strings every time i read something like this!!

    they don't have to look cute to be beautiful...but in this case, they rockin' both!!!

  9. You are good to look out for these beautiful creatures! We had a feral colony in our neighborhood a few years back, then the fisher cats moved in and they disappeared. Makes me sad to think about it. But the best way to handle feral cat colonies is to spay/neuter them and put them back in place, I've been told. I hope all works out for these little beauties!
