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Friday, January 14, 2011

It's Friday . . .

This week flew by and shamefully after being snowed in for the majority of it, we have very little to show for our time. Two binders were revamped for a new semester. No impending assignments completed. Laundry was done several times, and still the hampers are brimming with dirty clothes. The driveway and sidewalks were shoveled; but patches of ice remain strategically located to keep inattentive pedestrians at bay. And the kids are finally back to school. But they have Monday off for Martin Luther King's Birthday. Do you ever get the feeling you are living life on a treadmill? You are in motion but don't seem to be gaining any ground.

Well, at least it's Friday and that counts for something. Right?


  1. Beautiful shot! And I go through many days feeling like I don't get anywhere, too. January intensifies that feeling for some reason. :)

  2. I love this. And I feel the treadmill effect, seriously.

  3. very pretty shot and I so know the treadmill effect.

  4. So soft and simple. Great shot!

  5. Gorgeous capture! I so get the treadmill effect!

  6. I feel you on the treadmill comment. That's how my days have been lately. I've neglected my blog, haven't touched any editing, and the house is a mess...but it seems like I'm doing stuff...just not stuff that gets anything done..Does that make sense? lol...I love the pic.

  7. Oh, yes. major treadmill . . . I have a mountain of laundry, still, yes, still putting away Christmas decorations. I worked grueling hours this week and was too tired to do anything when I got home at night. I'm off on Monday but left so much undone at work that I don't know if I'll be able to relax this weekend. Really, if we are going to have such cold, dark, gloomy weather, at least I want to be able to hybernate properly, just let me sleep until the Spring!

  8. Friday does count for something! For some reason it makes me super happy - even if the weekend just bring me more work to do lol. Beautiful capture.

  9. I feel like that very often. Such a peaceful beautiful shot. I so enjoyed opening your blog and seeing it.

  10. I so know about the treadmill effect!! Beautiful shot!

  11. This is beautiful. I really like the curves.

  12. Yeah, but you took a really, really, really pretty photo! And laundry, well that's just odious. It's never done. There's just no point in even including laundry in the whole equation of anything.
