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Monday, May 7, 2012

super moon, meet super-duper fog . . .

my whole body was yelling "go to bed already woman!" 
- but I was determined to stay awake to photograph the "super moon". 

We live close enough to the river, and it has been raining, raining, raining 
- so I should have known that 'super-duper fog' would rule the night. ugh!


  1. I'll have to say that I like your foggy moon shot better than some of the clear sky shots I've seen--especially mine!

  2. Yay! Glad you got to capture the super moon. We had heavy cloud cover so I didn't even get to see it other than a tiny peek through a hole in the cloudds. I think the fog is neat in your picture.

  3. I think the element of fog adds to it. I can relate though. When I shot the moon the other night, I had to wait ever so impatiently for the clouds to move!!!

  4. Makes for eery shots!! I was too lazy to go out and take photos ;)

  5. I like that second shot in particular. Nice atmosphere. I was a bit disappointed in the "super" moon but I guess that's because I couldn't see it on a nice flat horizon where I guess it was more "super".

    1. Nice. We had rain both nights and so we couldn't see it through the clouds. i was totally bummed.


  6. I really wanted to capture it too. It was cloudy here so I didn't get any fantastic pics. Your fog shots are pretty cool!

  7. Under the circumstances, I think your captures turned out great. :)

  8. Bravo for you! I loke the atmospheric look of these...yea for the fog! We neer even got a glimpse of the moon--too much rain.

  9. Well I like that second one! I like the soft outline of the trees, as well as the softness of the moon!

  10. For being foggy you got some pretty good shots. It was cloudy here also. I stayed up all night waiting out the clouds.

  11. i think it still looks cool, despite the fog. We had clouds here too. I intend to get more moon shots with a frame of reference next month.

  12. Oh, you got it! Awesome! I kept going out and looking up, wondering where the moon was suppose to be, because it was THAT buried above the clouds! I'd have stayed up right along with you to catch that shot!

  13. I LOVE this last photo...better than a plain old clear super moon! (o:

  14. Fantastic! It was just a little moon where I live.....

  15. yikes!! that second photo is stunning! gorgeous capture. i love to photograph fog. i wish we had more of it around here. it comes once in a while, and lingers even less frequently. seems like when we do get a good lasting fog, it's on a day when i can't get out and take pictures. = (
