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Saturday, December 15, 2012

condolences ...

I originally had a post about Ike for today, but it just didn't seem fitting. I am shaken, sadden, and heartbroken with yesterday's events in Connecticut. There is no reasonable explanation, actually no explanation period, that will undo what has happened. I wish this type of tragedy would stop; that people who feel they have nothing left to live for would not condemn innocent lives to the same fate; that we could better understand and intervene mental health disease; or that guns not be so accessible; or something - anything to make this stop.  

I can not begin to express how nice it was to hear my daughter's voice when she called last night from college just to talk. Nothing specific, she too just want to hear my voice. Such a gift I will never take for granted. Knowing that my son was held up in his room watching TV or listening to his iTunes, sneaking down occasionally for a snack was better than any package under the tree. 

My condolences to the community, families, and emergency personnel of Newtown.