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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

black and white wednesday | mic.key.mouse ...

We are on count down until our return visit to Disney World.
Another trip without children.
(we are adjusting to this part of empty-nest surprisingly well)
This time round they will be holding the Flower and Garden Show which should make for fabulous pictures, and which I understand is much better than the Food and Wine Festival (a/k/a - cheap drinks meets drunken fools).
Even more exciting is that we'll be staying at Bay Lake Towers with a view of Magic Kingdom rather than our usual Boardwalk Villas.  Just when you think every thing is same ole, same ole -
there is always change to be had.


When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do. 
Walt Disney 

linking up:

My Memory Art


  1. Sounds like a fantastic trip. Have a wonderful time. Love the picture, brilliant!

  2. My hubby and I were talking about the fun of going back to Disney World without the kids and grandkids. There are lots of things I've yet to see.

  3. My daughter and her husband are headed to Disney at the end of the month. She's wanted to take this trip with him since before they were married!! I'm so happy for her. When we lived in Paris, Euro Disney opened....and it was just a metro ride away. We LOVED visiting...combination of joy for the kids and a taste of Americana. We are a disney family through and through. I just love these cups ~ so sweet!

  4. I've heard the flower show there is amazing!

  5. Mickey Mouse in b/w --classic!! Been to Disneyland in Anaheim, but I've never been to Disneyworld... would love to go there some time.

  6. Nice picture, a wonderful prospect!

  7. Oh, I love hearing it isn't too bad being empty nester. My youngest goes to college this year. Yikes. Rebecca

  8. Something wonderful to look forward to! Glad you are adjusting to that empty nest.....there are advantages :)

  9. Wonderful BW composition! Love Mickey!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  10. Have a great time. We were going to go in May but based on the cost, we are going to the Smoky Mountains instead. Too many unknowns out there this year to commit $5,000 to a trip.

  11. I think Disney without kids sounds fantastic!

  12. LOVE this shot!
    I can still remember my first trip to Disney - with my hubby our sixth year of marriage. :)
    Can't wait to see your flower shots from there. I'm afraid I'd spend too much time taking flower pics.
