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Friday, February 20, 2015

floral friday | surrounding myself with flowers ...

The Orchid blooms didn't make it long before dropping, but I am hopeful that the three ice cube thing works and new blooms emerge down the road.  Though, to be honest I am not optimistic considering the frigid temperatures in the house with sub-zero temperature outside and an old heat pump.  Damn this "worst winter in ages".  Next time my husband makes that forecast and I utter anything remotely similar to: "I've seen worst", I will smack myself up against the head.  

These are some samples from my Valentine's Bouquet of Peruvian Lilies.

When they showed up it was a sad and sorry container of leaves
but in a day or so, these emerged.


  1. Hi, flowers from Valentines are roses and lilies. The roses have all drooped, but the lilies are almost all opened and doing great. They are much more resilient than the rose blooms, and I love them. The aroma can be a bit overwhelming.

  2. Such beautiful lilies...I tried photographing my tulips on my front porch yesterday in the didn't fare well....the wind blew off all the petals!

  3. Such beautiful colorful flowers on this wintery day...thanks!

  4. With all the winter weather, your flowers make me think of spring....Have a great weekend...

  5. Lovely shots ... I have 2 orchids. They were amazing when I first got them ... then the blooms fell off and it's been months with nothing. Giving them their ice cubes and sweet talking them ... but ... nothing!
    Oh well......stay toasty :-D diane @ thoughts & shots

  6. my orchid is the same color and i do the three ice cubes a week thing!!! i have had mine for years, i love it and a new shoot is blooming right as we "speak"!!!!!! i think i have 6 blooms. the other shoot bloomed weeks ago and those flowers lasted for weeks. 2 still remain but are fading.

    i love having color in the house during the winter.

    my husband says the exact same thing and i already smacked him!!! have a great weekend!!

  7. It sure is a darn' cold (and snowy, icy) winter also here in northern NJ. Your orchids are beautiful, they should keep your spirits up a little :) I especially like the top edit, maybe link it up over at s~A(R)T~urday?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. WOW.. Such beautiful photos.


  10. I hope your pretty orchid blooms for you again. The lilies are gorgeous - the must smell divine!

  11. I'm not sure it's my age or if it is this winter ...I'm so tired of the cold and dreary days. I too have an orchid....I wish I had 10, their splash of color is heaven for winter weary eyes!
